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Maintenance During Play

Terravita Agronomy

As we enter the second half of our season, I want to take a moment to reflect on some of the changes we made this year and how they shaped both your experience on the course and our maintenance operations. One of the biggest adjustments was the earlier tee times and shotgun starts, introduced to provide more playing opportunities and better course access for members. While this change required some adaptation from our maintenance team, it also allowed more golfers to enjoy the course during peak hours.

With play beginning earlier each day, our team often has found themselves working on the course alongside golfers more frequently than in past seasons. The shift in start times resulted in a loss of up to 3.5 hours of uninterrupted maintenance time per week—adding up to nearly uninterrupted 60 man-hours lost each week compared to previous years. However, in turn, that same time was gained as extra access for members to enjoy the course. While maintaining the course under these conditions presents challenges, we remain committed to continuing to achieve out course maintenance standards while minimizing disruptions to your rounds. I understand that at times, the presence of a mower may have occasionally impacted a round, and I appreciate your patience as we've worked to balance course maintenance efficiency with member access.

Looking back on what we've accomplished this season thus far, we’re proud of the condition of the course and the dedication of our team. We will continue to refine our processes to make both maintenance and play as seamless as possible in future seasons.

As always, any questions, comments, or concerned are not only welcome, but encouraged! And for those of you competing in this years Terravita Invitational, GOOD LUCK!


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