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Opening Day

Terravita Agronomy

I can’t believe we have completed yet another overseed to our golf course. Despite the record breaking temperatures, we are very proud of what we were able to put together for you all. In addition to the overseed, we completed edging all 18 holes of tee boxes and all high visibility fairway turf edges, completed removal of major sight line obstructions, trimmed low hanging trees, removed mistletoe, replaced more than a dozen severely broken cart path panels, and completed 3 full course fertilizer applications.

We will continue to treat deserts and turf edges with herbicide to keep them clean from volunteer ryegrass and weeds, manually remove grass from bunkers, and complete various other detail oriented tasks.

Green’s playability has remained our number 1 priority going into this dormancy season. We have applied things learned from the first 2 years of dormancy to this year’s preparation.

Cart path only restrictions will be in place indefinitely. But, similar to years prior, we are committed to balancing the health of the overseed with the experience of the member. We will get carts off the path as soon as possible, and you can expect an update on this topic in the next 10-14 days.

I hope everyone is able to enjoy the day! We’ll see you out there!



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